

Exhibits in Nippon Mining Museum include showpieces at the Main Exhbiiton Hall and the Mining Exhbition Hall, Kuhara Head Office, shafts and others. At the museum, materials showing the hystory from the commencement of the Hitachi Mine to today, ore samples, various mining machinery and others are available. In addition to those, exhbits displaying development of an industrial city, Hitachi City, could be found.

Overall View

An overall view of Nippon Mining Museum is available.

Main Exhibition Hall

Exhibiting the JX Advanced Metals Group's historical materials, samples of samples and others.

Mining Exhibition Hall

This building houses an air compressor room built during World War II (1944).

Other Highlights

The museum site with an total area of about 12,000m2 includes Kuhara's Head Office and other exhbits.