
Main Exhibition Hall

The first floor exhbits the achivements of Fusanosuke Kuhara and Yoshisuke Aikawa, the history of the Hitachi Mine and the JX Advanced Metals Group, and scenes from life in the mining town of Hitachi. A reproduction of mining operartions inside the mineshaft is displayed on the basement floor. The second floor displays exhibits related to the Giant Stack and the activities of the Group.

1.Hystory of JX Advanced Metals Group 2.Reproduction of the Underground Scene 3.Expansion of Hitachi Mine 4.Life in the Mining Town 5.The Giant Stack 6.The Group Today

1.History of JX Advanced Metals Group

The Group's history from the inauguration of the Hitachi Mine by the founder Fusanosuke Kuhara up to the present is introduced through panels and historical materials. Ores mined at the Hitachi and other mines, a rerspective model of ore deposits and shafts, etc. are also availabe.

2.Reproduction of the Underground Scene

This recaptures the inside of a mineshaft. Changes in mining technology from hand digging to machine mining are shown here, using real machines and lifesize figures. Real mineral ore samples could be seen and touched at the hands-on ore exhibit.

3.Expansion of Hitachi Mine

The overall picture of the Hitachi Mine, the root of the expansion of Hitachi as an industrial city, is shown here.

4.Life in the Mining Town

Measures for improving living standards in the mining town and the unique atmosphere based on the spirit of “the mine as one big family” are introduced here.

5.The Giant Stack

Episodes of the construction of the Giant Stack and the history of efforts made by the Hitachi Mine and local residents to overcome the air pollution problem are introduced here.

6.The Group Today

Corporate activities of our Group focused around efforts for harmony between the Group and the environment/local community are introduced here.
