Toward Net-Zero CO2 Emissions
JX Advanced Metals Group considers climate change as an urgent issue that requires to be resolved on a global scale, and is further accelerating its efforts to achieve its ultimate goal of net-zero CO2 emissions.
JX Advanced Metals Group's Environmental Targets (Long-term Targets)
fiscal 2030 of reducing the Group's CO2 emissions to 50 percent of fiscal 2018 emissions,(*) net-zero CO2 emissions by fiscal 2050
- These targets are scope 1 and scope 2.
Scope 1 emissions are those from energy consumption (fuel), emissions other than from energy consumption (waste oil, waste plastic, sludge, waste wood), and emissions from reducing agents, converted to equivalent CO2.
Scope 2 emissions are those from electricity consumption converted to equivalent CO2. Emissions from electricity consumption include those from thermal energy (consuming steam, hot water, cold water) supplied by third parties.
Measures to achieve the targets
We take a variety of measures to achieve the targets.
- Adoption of CO2-free electric power
- Creation of renewable energy
- Reduction of energy consumption
- Fuel switching and fundamental process development
JX Advanced Metals Group's plants with CO2-free electric power
We are progressively introducing CO2-free electricity to all of our business areas and offices, including our main business sites in Japan and overseas.
Mineral Resources Business
Caserones Copper Mine
Metals & Recycling Business
Saganoseki Smelter & Refinery (JX Metals Smelting Co.,Ltd.)
Functional Materials Business
Kurami works
Thin Film Materials Business
Isohara works
Tantalum and Niobium Business
Goslar (TANIOBIS GmbH)
Functional Materials Business, Metals & Recycling Business, others
Hitachi works
Head office in The Okura Prestige Tower