Organization and Executive Officers


Directors Who are Not Audit and Supervisory Committee Members (as of June 27, 2024)

Representative Director & Chairman Murayama Seiichi  
President & Representative Director
Chief Executive Officer
Hayashi Yoichi  
Deputy Chief Executive Officer
Sugawara Shizuo Assistant to the President (Technology)
General Manager, Technology Group
General Manager, Project Management Office
Deputy Chief Executive Officer
Ohuchi Yoshiaki Assistant to the President (Specially Assigned Matters)
Outside Director Tokoro Chiharu  
Outside Director Ito Motoshige  

Directors Who are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members (as of June 27, 2024)

Director (Full-Time Audit and Supervisory Committee Member) Kuroiwa Motohiro  
Director (Audit and Supervisory Committee Member) Shiota Tomoo  
Outside Director (Audit and Supervisory Committee Member) Sakuma Soichiro  
Outside Director (Audit and Supervisory Committee Member) Futamiya Masaya  
Outside Director (Audit and Supervisory Committee Member) Kawaguchi Rika  

Executive Officers (not serving concurrently as Directors) (as of June 27, 2024)

Senior Executive Officer Yasuda Yutaka General Manager, Metals & Recycling Division
Senior Executive Engineer, Technology Group
Senior Executive Officer Hyakuno Manabu General Manager, Functional Materials Division
Senior Executive Staff, Technology Group
Senior Executive Officer Nakamura Yuichiro Deputy General Manager, Technology Group
Senior Executive Officer Tani Akito Senior Executive Engineer, Technology Group
Senior Executive Officer Iida Kazuhiko General Manager, Tantalum and Niobium Division
Senior Executive Engineer, Planning & Coordination Dept.
Senior Executive Engineer, Technology Group
Senior Executive Officer Komatsuzaki Kan In charge of Administration Dept.
In charge of Legal Dept.
In charge of Human Resources Dept.
In charge of Environment & Safety Dept.
General Manager, Administration Dept.
Senior Executive Staff, Project Management Office
Executive Officer Ito Takashi General Manager, Facilities Engineering Dept., Technology Group
General Manager, Engineering Group, Project Management Office
Executive Officer Suwabe Takeshi General Manager, Thin Film Materials Division
General Manager, Marketing Dept., Thin Film Materials Division
Senior Executive Staff, Technology Group
Executive Officer Masaki Nobuharu General Manager, Mineral Resources Division
Senior Executive Staff, Metals & Recycling Division
Senior Executive Staff, Technology Group
Executive Officer Ebihara Hiroyuki General Manager, IT Dept., Technology Group
Senior Executive Engineer, Administration Dept.
Executive Officer Mizuguchi Tomoji In charge of Crystalline Material Business Promotion Dept.​
General Manager, Advanced Technology & Strategy Dept., Technology Group
General Manager, CVD・ALD Material Business Promotion Office
Executive Officer Aiba Akihiro General Manager, Hitachi Works
General Manager, Technology Development Center
Executive Officer Ogura Yasushi In charge of Accounting Dept.
General Manager, Accounting Dept.
Executive Officer Togami Ichiro Deputy General Manager, Metals & Recycling Division
General Manager, Administration Dept., Metals & Recycling Division
Executive Officer Oka Daisuke In charge of ESG Promotion Dept.
General Manager, ESG Promotion Dept.
Executive Officer Kawaguchi Yoshiyuki In charge of IPO Office
In charge of Planning & Coordination Dept.
In charge of Finance Dept.
In charge of Public Relations & Investor Relations Dept.
In charge of Internal Control Dept.
In charge of Logistics Dept.
General Manager, IPO Office
General Manager, Planning & Administration Group, Project Management Office
Executive Officer Okabe Takeo Deputy General Manager, Thin Film Materials Division
Senior Executive Engineer, Advanced Technology & Strategy Dept., Technology Group