Quick Guide to
JX Advanced Metals

JX Advanced Metals in Numbers

Profit Structure

Operating income

(excluding inventory valuation,
including -¥18.7 billion in
corporate expenses)

ICT materials
Metals &
  • Notes: Semiconductor materials segment : Thin Film Materials Division, Tantalum and Niobium Division
    ICT materials segment : Functional Materials Division, Tatsuta Electric Wire and Cable, Toho Titanium
    Material & Recycling segment : Metals & Recycling Division, Resources development Division
  • Notes: 1JX Advanced Metals discloses financial information through its holding company ENEOS Holdings, and the above operating income figures are for the Metals segment in ENEOS Holdings' consolidated financial results.
  • Notes: 2ENEOS Holdings, Inc. has applied International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) from fiscal 2017.

Each Business in NumbersNote: As of the end of FY2022

Sputtering targets for semiconductors
Global market share approx. 60%
Thin Film Materials
High-purity tantalum powder for
electronic materials
No.1 global market share
Tantalum and Niobium
Treated Rolled Copper Foil for FPC
Global market share approx. 80%
Functional Materials
Saganoseki Smelter & Refinery annual copper anode production capacity
Approx. 450,000 tons
Metals & Recycling
Volume of gold recovered from recycling
Approx. 7 tons per year
Metals & Recycling
Equity entitled copper mine production
Approx. 200,000 tons
Mineral Resources

The Businesses of JX Advanced Metals

JX Advanced Metals conducts global business operations in the area of nonferrous metals, focusing primarily on copper and rare metals. These operations cover the full range from resource development, and smelting and refining, to the development and manufacture of advanced materials essential to societies in which the IoT and AI are progressing. The Group's operations also encompass recycling from end-of-life electronic equipment and devices.

Some of the Places You Will Find Us

Advanced materials and technologies of the JX Advanced Metals, supporting the future

Click on each image below to learn more about the advanced materials supplied by JX Advanced Metals.

The History of JX Advanced Metals

Since our founding in 1905, the Group has worked on creating new value, even while responding to various changes in the business environment. We are determined to continue our challenge, contributing to the development of a sustainable economy and society through creation and innovation in the areas of resources and materials.


Start of operation at the Hitachi Mine

Founder Fusanosuke Kuhara started operation at the Hitachi Mine, launching the Mineral resources development business and the smelting and refining business. From the beginning, Kuhara sought to boost productivity by actively embracing mechanization and modernization. The Hitachi Mine was a pioneer in development as a full-fledged custom smelter that processed not only its own ores, but also ores purchased from other companies.

Company founder
Fusanosuke Kuhara


Construction of the Hitachi Giant Stack

The rapid growth of the Hitachi Mine's business led to a severe smoke pollution problem in the surrounding area. To deal with the pollution, the Company built what was then the world's tallest stack at 155.7 meters. It began operation in March of the following year.

The Giant Stack just before completion


Start of operation at the Saganoseki Smelter & Refinery

In order to further expand the mining, smelting and refining segments fundamental to the Company's diversified business, the Saganoseki Smelter & Refinery was built in Oita Prefecture as one of the largest such plants in Japan. It remains even to this day an important center of the JX Advanced Metals Corporation Group, as a leadingedge smelter boasting the world's top levels of technology and production capacity.

Saganoseki Smelter & Refinery
at the time it was built


Kurami Works launched

With the startup of the Kurami Works (Kanagawa Prefecture), the Company made a strong entry into the metal fabrication business. Introducing the latest rolling mills, it produced phosphor bronze and other rolled copper products. By answering the needs of complex markets for flexible manufacturing of diverse products in small lots and production-to-order, while meeting demands for advanced product technology, the Company established a solid position in the metal fabrication field.

Newly completed Kurami Works


New recycling furnace built

A new recycling furnace making use of smelting techniques was built at the Hitachi Smelter & Refinery, marking the start of the recycling and environmental services business. The Company pursued recovery of valuable metals from plating sludge and other industrial waste as a business.

A recycling furnace


Isohara Works launched

The Company got into the electronic materials business in time for the rise of the electronics industry in the 1980s, making sputtering targets for semiconductors and transparent conductive films for liquid crystal displays, as well as materials for compound semiconductors. By establishing the Isohara Works (Ibaraki Prefecture) as a new main manufacturing center,
the Company expanded into development and manufacturing of copper foil and various electronics materials.

Isohara Works when newly established


Caserones Copper Mine began production

The official opening of the Caserones Copper Mine was calebrated, and the shipment of copper concentrate was begun.

Caserones Copper Mine


H.C. Starck Tantalum and Niobium GmbH (present TANIOBIS GmbH) shares acquired

The outstanding shares of H.C. Starck Tantalum and Niobium GmbH (present TANIOBIS GmbH), a German manufacturer of metal powders, were acquired with an eye to expanding business areas, in anticipation of dramatic demand growth for electronic components and devices.


Long-Term Vision

JX Advanced Metals Long-Term Vision 2040

  • Shifting to a technology-based from a process industry-type firm
  • Generating high and sustainable profits in fierce global business competition
  • Contributing to the realization of sustainable society as a global leader in semiconductor/ICT materials

<Target portfolio>

Position the Focus Businesses as the core of our growth strategy

  • Build appropriate structure for Base Businesses, regardless of business scale, to support growth of Focus Businesses
  • Position copper and minor metals indispensable to semiconductor/ICT materials as core domains

【Growth】Focus Businesses

materials segment

ICT materials

  • Aim to achieve profit growth exceeding market growth through technological differentiation
  • Drastically expand scale of revenue and make it a source of profits with diverse line-up of technologies and small-lot, highly profitable products

【Business foundation】Base Businesses

Metals & Recycling segment

  • Secure stable supply of raw materials (copper and minor metals) for Focus Businesses
  • Sustainably supply basic materials required for advanced materials and contribute to resolution of ESG agenda