Products Under Development

Under DevelopmentYAG Ceracmics (Transport ceramics) for Laser

  • Yttrium Aluminum Garnet

YAG is a garnet-shaped crystal formed as a composite oxide of yttrium and aluminum.
We are developing YAG ceramics (polycrystalline) with superior optical properties.

Application Example

Flash LiDAR

Laser light source for processing machinery

Amplifier for high-power laser
(e.g.: MOPA system)

Customer Values

Compared with single crystal, YAG Ceramics (polycrystalline), whose transmittance is equivalent with that of single crystal, has following advantages.

  • High mass productivity
  • Large size (up to 6 inches)
  • Easy to bond with other materials or with other YAG
  • Homogeneous dopant concentration
  • High dopant concentration (up to Nd:4at%)


6-inch Nd:YAG

Nd:YAG bonded with Cr:YAG

Laser Oscillation Test of YAG Ceramics

Successful laser oscillation with similar slope efficiency as single crystals

Transmittance of YAG Ceramics

Excellent optical properties, similar to YAG theoretical transmittance (84%)

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