Compound Semiconductors and Crystal Materials

Compound Semiconductor Substrates (InP, CdZnTe, CdTe)

JX Advanced Metals Products with their consistently high quality are winning customer acclaim and confidence. We manufacture InP for III-V compound semiconductors, and Cd(Zn)Te for II-VI compound semiconductors. We supply products meeting the latest demand and product requirements.

Product Category Thin Film Materials
Main Products InP (indium phosphide) and CdZnTe (CdTe) (cadmium telluride)
Primary Applications Light emitting elements, light receiving elements, high-speed electronic devices, infrared detectors, radiation detectors, etc.
Catalog [Product Catalog: English-language edition] InP, CdTe


  Size Orientation Dopant
InP 2inch
(100) S, Sn, Zn, Fe, None
  Size(mm) Orientation Dopant
CdZnTe 10×10-
(111),(211),(100) Zn, None

InP Substrates

Application Examples

Mobile Base Stations

Data Centers

Optical Modules
(Light Emitting Elements, Light Receiving Elements)

Solar Power

Features of JX Advanced Metals InP Substrates

  • We have long been providing InP substrates as essential materials for light emitting and receiving elements in optical communications.
  • With the world’s highest quality, they continue to boast the top share globally.
  • For improved device quality, we provide wafers with high processing precision.
TTV: 1.5µm (4" InP wafer)
*Total Thickness Variation

Proposals for new InP applications

High-performance collision prevention sensor made feasible

Laser radar at eye-safe wavelength made feasible

CdZnTe Substrates

Application Examples

Radiation Sensors for Medical and Analysis Use

Infrared Sensors for Space and Environmental Use

Solar Power

Features of JX Advanced Metals CdZnTe Substrates

  • Large-diameter CdZnTe single crystals of the world’s highest quality are achieved using our proprietary crystal growing technology.
  • CdZnTe can detect radiation with higher precision than other materials, for stable X-ray detection.
  • Our CdZnTe substrates with uniform Zn concentration enable customers to produce larger infrared sensors.
Large CdZnTe substrate
Uniform distribution of Zn concentration across CdZnTe crystal surface (%)
Contact Information
From the Web

Inquiries accepted 24 hours a day

By telephone
Department name
Compound Semiconductor Department, Thin Film Materials Division

Calls accepted from 9:00 a.m. to 5:50 p.m. JST (except weekends and holidays)