Metal and Compound Powders

Under DevelopmentHigh Purity Chloride

JX Advanced Metals Group has an extensive lineup of chlorides including those of molybdenum (Mo), tungsten (W), cobalt (Co), tantalum (Ta), and niobium (Nb). All are high-purity metal chlorides with purity from 3N (99.9%) to 6N (99.9999%).
In addition to CVD and ALD semiconductor processes, these are used in catalysts, chemical synthesis, coatings, and as additives in multi-layered ceramic capacitors (MLCC).

Product Name Typical Applications
CVD/ALD for semiconductors Catalysts Chemical synthesis Coatings Additives in multi-layered ceramic capacitors
MoCl5 Molybdenum pentachloride
WCl5 Tungsten pentachloride
WCl6 Tungsten hexachloride
CoCl2 Cobalt dichloride
TaCl5 Tantalum pentachloride
NbCl5 Niobium pentachloride
  • Chlorides and oxychlorides besides those listed above are also available.

The listed products are also sold by TANIOBIS GmbH.

Contact Information
From the Web

Inquiries accepted 24 hours a day

By telephone
Department name
Business Development Department, Tantalum and Niobium Division

Calls accepted from 9:00 a.m. to 5:50 p.m. JST (except weekends and holidays)