Nonferrous Metals and Chemical Products

Precious Metals


The Group produces gold bullion as a by-product of smelting and refining processes.
Our gold bullion is certified by the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) as high-quality.

Forms Ingots, granules
Quality standard Certified by the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA)
Purity (Au) 99.99% or higher
Main applications Jewelry, electronic parts, etc.


The Group produces silver bullion as a by-product of smelting and refining processes.
Our silver bullion is certified by the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) as high-quality.

Forms Ingots, granules
Quality standard Certified by the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA)
Purity (Ag) 99.99% or higher
Main applications Jewelry, electronic parts, dental material, photovoltaic cells, etc.


Our Group recovers palladium from recycled materials.
The resulting palladium sponge is equivalent to LPPM (London Platinum and Palladium Market) standard.

Forms Gray powder
Quality standard LPPM Good Delivery, purity 99.95%
Main applications Automotive catalysts and various chemical catalysts


The resulting platinum sponge is equivalent to LPPM (London Platinum and Palladium Market) standard.

Forms Sponge platinum
Quality standard LPPM Good Delivery, purity 99.95%
Main applications Jewelry, fuel cells, automotive catalysts
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