Products and Services

Compound Semiconductors and Crystal Materials

Utilizing the Group's proprietary crystal growing technology, we provide compound semiconductor substrates and crystal materials of various kinds.

InP Substrates

We manufacture InP for III-V compound semiconductors.

CdZnTe (CdTe) Substrates

We manufacture CdZnTe(CdTe) for II-VI compound semiconductors.

YAG Ceramics for Laser Applications

We are developing polycrystalline YAG for laser applications, with the same transmittance as single crystal YAG and larger size.

Mg2Si Substrates

Development is proceeding on Mg2Si single crystal for infrared detectors that can detect a wide range of wavelengths, from visible light (VIS) to near infrared (NIR) and shortwave infrared (SWIR).

This product is being developed through joint research with Ibaraki University and Nagoya University.

Strontium Titanate (SrTiO3)

SrTiO3 substrate manufactured by Furuuchi Chemical Corporation.

Rutile Titanium Dioxide (TiO2)

TiO2 manufactured by Furuuchi Chemical Corporation. Available as powder in addition to substrate form.

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